terça-feira, 15 de junho de 2010

SSH tunneling and VNC on ANDROID 1.5

This tutorial assumes that:

  1. You have a working SSH server on your computer
  2. You have a VNC server on your computer
1 and 2 wont'be covered , as google has a handful of tutorials.


  1. Install ConnectBot from Android Apps
  2. Create a new connection host. Example: (Protocol , ssh duh! ) Admin@192.168.YY.YY:22 , where YY is the IP on your local network of the SSH server
  3. See if all goes well and you can connect. Now create a port forward ( hit menu button , port forwards)
  4. On Port Forwards menu, click Add Port Forward with the folowing :
  • Nickname : VNC SSH ( or any other)
  • Type: Local
  • Source Port: 5900
  • Destination: localhost:5900
  • Hit click port forward
5. For the sake of it , disconect and connect again. Check if the rule you added is NOT striketroughed ( i think i just made a word? )
6. Download androidVNC from Android Apps
7. Create a new connection with the following :
  • Nickname: SSH-Android ( or any other)
  • Password: password-you-set-up-in-vnc-server ( see Additional Notes)
  • Adress:
  • Port: 5900
  • Hit connect
8. If all goes well , you have now a SSH tunnel with VNC on top of that :)

Additional Notes:

  1. Before you connect, check if ConnectBot is connected.
  2. If you're on Windows XP don't forget to add an execption on TCP port 22 ( SSH )

If you're running TightVNC Server READ THIS

  1. Right click on the icon in the taskbar
  2. Go to Administration tab
  3. Check the following
  • Allow loopback connections
  • Allow only loopback connections ( for security improvement)
The password you're supposed to enter in the VNC connection on Android is the one configured in Server tab / Primary Passsword

Nice diagram :


Android phone used : LG GW620 aka PowerHouse

Thanks goes to my brother :D

sexta-feira, 11 de junho de 2010

Emulating POV on a Joystick - Battlefield series oriented

The purpose of this tutorial is to emulate a POV - Hat switch on a joystick , even without one .

We'll be using a small progam called joy2key .

You can download it here.

I'm using a Microsoft Sidewinder Joystick USB 1.

Basically we will configure one button to act like a switch : when you press it , you will be able to press other button at the same time , thus improving the number of buttons available .

You can download my configuration files here ( md5 ) .

So extract the joytokey program and place the configuration files on the same folder . The progam will automatically load the .cfg files .

What to edit

( In POV - Joystick 1 )
.The switch button is currently Button 6 ( change that accordingly to your needs )

( In POV - Joystick 2 )
.Look right is Button 5
.Look left is Button 7
.Look up is Button 1 (Fire)

And that's it . To emulate the POV , just press and hold the switch and then one of the directions.

To play , start the JoyToKey and minimize it .

For BF1 / BF2 players :

Besides running the JtKey with the POV.cfg , open up another JtKey this time with the file Ctrl.cfg ( Ctrl is configured the same as the switch button ).

Now go fly some planes :-)